M-Audio Oxygen 25 MKV 25-key Keyboard Controller
Oxygen 25 (MKV)
USB MIDI Controller with Smart Controls and Auto-Mapping
The Oxygen 25 (MKV)
Welcome to the brand-new Oxygen Series from M-Audio, the Oxygen Series (MKV). In today’s world of music production, controlling your digital music environment is important. It is not only how the pros improve their workflow, but also how they create unique cutting-edge signature sounds. M-Audio has updated the most iconic series of MIDI keyboard controllers on the market for software-based music production and performance. The new Oxygen Series (MKV) keyboard controllers offer innovative advancements in hardware control enabling you to create modern cutting-edge music on stage or in the studio.
Professional Producer Features
The Oxygen 25 (MKV) controller includes powerful features essential for creating and producing music such as Note Repeat (a staple mark in beat production), Full Velocity Control of keys and 8 pads, 8 assignable knobs for controlling effect plugins and virtual instruments, and an assignable fader for mixing: all opening a world of precise music creation techniques making your signature sound professional and modern.
Note Repeat allows you to hold down any of the 8 custom-made M-Audio velocity-sensitive performance pads in 2 available pad banks to hear a repeated rhythmic pattern at a selectable note division. The Note Repeat feature can be activated momentarily or can be used in Latch mode. If you choose Momentary, holding the Note Repeat button will make the note played by the pad automatically repeat. If you choose Latch, pressing any pad will cause its assigned note to repeat without having to hold down the Note Repeat button.
Built-in Arpeggiator
Arpeggiators help add excitement and movement to music quickly and easily. The built-in Arpeggiator on the Oxygen 25 (MKV) with Type, Octave, Gate and Swing controls will creatively affect anything you are playing on the keys from any virtual instrument in your DAW. When the Arpeggiator is activated, the keyboard will repeatedly play the keys that are pressed in the selected sequence. The arpeggiator’s timing and rhythm is based on the keyboard’s time division setting in either the keyboard’s tempo, or your DAW’s tempo setting. Each note in the arpeggio will be the length selected for the time division setting. For example, if you select 1/4, each note in the arpeggio will be audible in quarter note increments. This powerful tool can operate in Latch or Momentary mode, making it easy to unleash your creativity.
Smart Controls
Smart Chord and Smart Scale technology are the bridges between your musically creative mind and your final productions. The Smart Chord feature helps bring out your inner musical genius by playing full chords with a single key press, and with the Smart Scale feature, the Oxygen 25 (MKV) keys transform into a perfect scale, playing the exact notes within a chosen scale. With Smart Chord and Smart Scale technology, creating music and unleashing your unlimited creativity has never been easier.